Break the Mold: Be Brave, Be Bold Spring 2023
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce our 2023 annual overnight conference for 3rd-5th grade girls will be bringing us back to our roots at SUNY Plattsburgh!
Break the Mold: Be Brave, Be Bold will be held on March 4th 8:00 AM-March 5th 10:00 AM, 2023 at SUNY Plattsburgh’s Memorial Hall. Please note that due to construction in Memorial Hall, this is significantly earlier than normal years.
All cell phones and electronics are prohibited, so please make sure your daughter doesn’t have any tucked away. The phone number of the Shine On! coordinators will be provided to you in the event of an emergency and you will receive a phone call from your daughter’s mentor in the coming weeks.
This year's theme is focused on teaching girls how to “break the mold” to believe in themselves when setting out to accomplish goals they didn’t think they could achieve and not having to follow what everyone else does.
A series of 10 interactive workshops will be offered that encompass our three main themes: media and marketing literacy, character strengths and upstander communication skills (please read our workshop highlights below).
Girls will be led through the conference by trained SUNY Plattsburgh college mentors.
Shine On! is designed to promote self-confidence and resiliency in 3rd-5th grade youth all across Northern New York. Our program has hosted over 2,000 girls at our annual overnight conference, and runs our education outreach programming for schools throughout the tri-county area. For more information, please email us at
Drop Off Times for Parents
By School District:
Peru Central School
Ausable Forks Elementary School
Beekmantown Elementary School
Bloomingdale Elementary School
Bouquet Valley Central School
Chazy Central Rural School
Cumberland Head Elementary School
Crown Point Elementary School
Keeseville Elementary School
Momot Elementary School
Mooers Elementary School
Morrisonville Elementary School
Northern Adirondack Central School
NorthEastern Clinton Central School (NCCS)
Petrova Elementary School
Rouses Point Elementary School
Oak Street Elementary
Saranac Elementary School
Seton Catholic Central
Sauquoit Valley Elementary School
Packing List for Parents:
Comfortable attire
Toothpaste / Toothbrush
Hair ties
Any medications needed (medications will be given to nurses; make sure they are labeled and in the original container)
Sleeping bag
Blanket or comforter
Comfort stuffed animal
Any electronics
Alarm clock
Food or candy
Blow-up mattresses
At 9:45am on Sunday, March 5, the doors of Memorial Hall's gym will be opened to parents for a special performance put on by all of our lovely conference attendees! Please do not come prior to this time. The girls' performance will last about 30 minutes long. Once the show is over, we will have an orderly pick up system, in which all parents will be called down to the gym floor to check out their daughter based on their grouping. Please make note to bring your ID, as we require them for security purposes. We want to ensure that all girls go back home with their authorized pick up person.
As a reminder, you should be expecting a call from your daughter's mentor between 12:30pm and 2:00pm this upcoming Sunday, February 26. Please try to keep your phones close to you at this time. Keep in mind that many of our college mentors do not have 518 area codes... it's not a spam call!
Does your daughter have the skills to stand up for herself or others in the event of bullying? Using real life scenarios, your girls will practice these important skills to find their voice in difficult peer situations.
Children’s yoga has a multitude of benefits including reducing anxiety and improving emotion regulation. In this workshop, your yogis will learn about positive self-affirmations, as well as how to use and practice them so they can turn to healthier coping options when the going gets tough.
“Breaking the mold” begins with getting out of your comfort zone. This workshop aims to teach your girls useful self-defense skills that will help them stand up for themselves, others, and begin breaking the mold!
Media throws all kinds of messages at us with regard to our weight: overweight, too skinny, fasting, Keto, no sugar. We need to learn how to eat healthy and that food is fuel for our bodies which is critical for good physical development and energy. This workshop teaches the benefits of fueling our bodies with nutrient rich foods and stopping the emotional cycle of food!
Gratitude is the antithesis of entitlement! Understanding gratitude provides a whole new level of understanding to make more positive choices in life. Your girls will learn about the power of perspective to shift their thinking from want-want to appreciation. This workshop features bullet journaling to have your girls practice their expressions of gratitude!
“Well-behaved women rarely make history” - Laurel Thatcher. In this workshop, we are featuring seven of the many current strong and bold young women making history and inspiring our world today! How are these young women “breaking the mold” and which of the following character strengths do they live and breathe in their day- to-day lives?
In our hyper-media world, it is more important than ever for children to take control of their own decision-making and resist societal pressures when engaging in the media. Art-making is another great resource to reduce anxiety and regulate emotions in childhood. This workshop will teach girls to recognize images negatively marketed toward women and to engage in an art experience that turns those images into something more powerful.
Can your child identify their interests and strengths? Believing in herself is the first step!. The second step is knowing how to create short-term and long-term goals - skills your girls will learn in this workshop! We hope to teach them to dream bigger than the ordinary and employ their grit when working toward their goals!
Our children have been through a life-altering past couple of years and experts agree they lack basic communication skills, such as listening and eye contact. Most youth today aren't even comfortable ordering a pizza over the phone or making eye contact with adults. The goal of this workshop is to teach and practice these important communication skills by running a lemonade stand, ordering a pizza in-person and other real-life scenarios.